Posted: March 11, 2013 Filed under: Uncategorized 27,156 Comments »
“LA VIE EN BRONZE” is an allegory about the madness of war.
Isidor and Loosy, a couple in their 50’s, are two war refugees. Since 25 years, they wander around from country to country, from war to war, carrying their home in their backs and pass their days disputing over the name of turtle and snail.
The unreasonable, inutile, monstrous “business of war” depicted through two grotesque characters plunged in madness – an enlightened madness however, that unmasks the world that surrounds them. Beyond the simple logic of true or false, we discover a world devastated by the “natural instinct” of humans to make war.
An absurd comedy inspired by “Délire à deux”of Ionesco.
15.10.2017 @19h
Festival du Thtre Francophone FTF#7, ACUD Theater, Berlin
dramaturgy & direction: Christina Kyriazidi
with: Alejandro Niklison, Vasillis Liaskovitis, Daniela Marcozzi
animations: Vanessa Rodegher
masks: Pierre Filliez
with the voices of: Alexie Leonard, Mah Perrette
– audio in French with German subtitles
“16 stories towards me”
A personal journey based on 16 stories, springing from short narratives, true events, song lyrics and poems. Diaspora, love, loss, memory, parenthood, time and travel. A man stepping in himself to find the world.
16 chairs. 16 spectators. 16 stories. And one man.
One man staring at your eyes.16 stories between the two of you. The stories that made him what he is today. Childhood anecdotes, family secrets, the first love, diaspora past and travelling future. Sporadic memories, true or fictitious, lingering between the need to hide and the need to reveal.
a solo performance of Leonel Henckes
direction: Christina Kyriazidi
live music by: Ismael Ferrer Martinez
> 07.01.2017 @20h HAUS Theater, Berlin
> 11&12.01.2017 @19h A Livraria, Berlin
> 13.01.2017 @19h Theaterhaus Mitte, Berlin
theatre play by: Christina Kyriazidi
Stage Reading
@PIIGS Festival – Dramaturgia Sobre la Crisi
20-25 July 2016, Barcelona
16 July 2016
@KOYOTE, Admiralstrasse 20, Berlin 10999
> 19h: “Patrick e(s)t moi” : theatre performance by Christina Kyriazidi (in french with german subs)
> 20h: “Coup de tête”: film of Jean-Jacques Annaud, with Patrick Dewaere (in french with english subs)
Patrick Dewaere was a prominent French film actor, known for his rebellious lifestyle and visceral acting, who became a symbol for the young generation, in the 70’s. He died, at the age of 35, on the 16th July 1982.
> Patrick e(s)t moi
“Les mythes correspondent à leur époque”
dedicated to Patrick Dewaere
Solo theatre performance by and with: Christina Kyriazidi
Music in Accordeon: Patrick Dewaere, Friedrich Meyer, Guy Lafarg, Hubert Giraud, Petrovich Larinov, Georges Brassens and Gabriel Yared.
“ J’aimerais vous parler des acteurs. Des acteurs-mythes, comme Patrick Dewaere. Et des autres acteurs, comme moi, qui ne sont pas un mythe, ni le seront jamais – probablement. On est des êtres d’une grande imagination. On adore les histoires. On a du mal à nous plonger dans la réalité. La réalité nous étouffe… “
D’un côté, un acteur culte des années ’70, qui a mis brutalement fin à ses jours à l’âge de 35 ans et qui depuis est un mythe. De l’autre côté, une femme seule dans sa chambre. Elle se rappelle, imagine et raconte, en reproduisant des répliques des films de Patrick Dewaere. Une étrangère qui cherche les mots justes, une solitaire qui ressasse des vieilles histoires d’amour, une comédienne en répétition. Les deux histoires s’entrelacent jusqu’à n’en devenir qu’une seule. Un spectacle sur l’imagination et la réalité, le regret et l’espoir, le jeu de la comédie et la passion des histoires. Une réflexion sur les mythes et leur devenir.
“I would like to tell you about actors. Legends like Patrick Dewaere. And actors like me, who are not legends, and probably never will be. We are beings with enormous imagination. We love stories. It is difficult for us to plunge into the reality. Reality suffocates us.”
On one side a cult actor of the 70s, whose life came to a brutal end at the age of 35, for then became a legend.
On the other side, a woman alone in her room. She remembers, dreams and recounts, while she recites lines from Patrick Dewaere´s films. A stranger looking for the right words; a lonely person repeating old love stories again and again; an actress rehearsing.
The two stories intertwine, until they become one.
It is a piece about fantasy and reality, regret and hope, the play of the theater and the passion of the stories.
A reflection on legends and their future.
Text | Texto original: Christina Kyriazidi
Translation | Tradução: Marius Chatziprokopiou
Dramaturgy | Dramaturgismo: Aldri Anunciação, Christina Kyriazidi, Juliana Molla, Leonel Henckes, Paula Lice
Direction | Direção: Paula Lice
Assistent Director | Assistência de direção: Juliana Molla
Cast | Elenco: Leonel Henckes e Christina Kyriazidi
Scenography | Cenografia: Erick Saboya
Light Design | Iluminação: Márcio Nonato
Costumes | Figurino: Alexandre Guimarães
Soundtrack | Trilha sonora original: Ronei Jorge e Andrea Martins
Graphics | Programação visual: Lia Cunha
Photography | Fotografia: João Meirelles
Video | Vídeos: Nina La Croix
Production | Produção e Gestão financeira: Giro Produções Culturais
1 a 18 de outubro 2015, de quinta a domingo, 19h
Espaço Cultural da Barroquinha, Praça Castro Alves, Salvador de Bahia, Brasil
TOUR 2016
15 – 20.03.2016 – Juazeiro (Centro Cultural João Gilberto)
05 – 10.04.2016 – Valença (Centro de Cultura Olivia Barradas)
03 – 08.05.2016 – Guanambi (Centro de Cultura de Guanambi)
More info:
In dreams, freedom flies with more wings
Freely adapted from the tale “O Elephant” of the Brazilian author Bartolomeu Campos de Quieros, “Elefantinho” is a theatre performance suitable both for adults and children. Through a playful and poetic balance of scenic languages such as shadow theatre, dance and movement research, singing, live music and storytelling both in English and Italian language, “Elefantiho” deals with the themes of self-confidence and the overcoming of the obstacles, that often are the result of our own fears.
Fears like those of Margherita, a young girl who doen’t sleep at night, after losing her friend Elefantinho, a small elephant whom she met one night in a dream and suddenly he decided to “reach his size”, forcing even Margherita to “downsize” her dream, not large enough to hold a real elephant.
The story is narrated by two clumsy pirates, Adam and Midi, also creatures of Margherita’s dream, who shall help her to accept her fears and through a series of adventures, they will finally succeed to make her believe in dreams again and recognise their necessity in the understanding of reality.
Concept, dramaturgy, performance: Daniela Marcozzi, Christina Kyriazidi
Illustrations: Malgorzata Zmyslowska
Music: Luigi De Cicco
>48-Stunden Neukolln Festival Berlin
@Hauser – Dramatische Republik
Schudomastr. 32,12055Berlin
25.06.2016 @17h
> “Palla al centro” Youth Festival, Perugia, Italy
29.06.2016 @12h